
Tiny scripts to improve your productivity.

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A simple tool to create and manage your Markdown notes easily.


To install tnotes you can edit the Makefile to match your local setup (tnotes is installed into the /usr/local/bin by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to install tnotes (if necessary as root).

sudo make install

To uninstall tnotes, just run:

sudo make uninstall


tnotes can create, rename and delete notes.

We can do that you by using the options listed bellow:


$ tnotes --new test.md --title="Test Note Title" --subtitle="Subtitle note" --tags="test,markdown"

Create a note named test.md. This note will have the follow metadata:

title: "Test Note Title"
subtitle: "Subtitle note"
date: "2021-02-11 15:17:32"
tags: ["test", "markdown"]


And that’s it!


We scripts supports dmenu as an interface, so you can list, add, rename and delete your notes quickly running a single command:

$ dmenu_tnotes

You can inform dmenu_tnotes where your notes is stored so you can manage them. Let’s say you store your notes on ~/notes/, you can export a environment variable called TNOTES_PATH and call dmenu_tnotes:

$ export TNOTES_PATH=~/notes/; dmenu_tnotes


Edimar Calebe Castanho Gabriel Gaboardi
Edimar Calebe Castanho (Calebe94) Gabriel Gaboardi (Gabo)


All software is covered under GNU General Public License v3.0.