
Tiny scripts to improve your productivity.

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tprogbar is a simple commandline tool to help you make your our ASCII progress bar.


To install tprogbar you can edit the Makefile to match your local setup (tprogbar is installed into the /usr/local/bin by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to install tprogbar (if necessary as root).

sudo make install

To uninstall tprogbar, just run:

sudo make uninstall


tprogbar can create help you to create simple ASCII progress bar with the options listed bellow:


It can be used with xsetroot to display your volume and screen brightness as a status bar notification.

# Audio volume at 50%
$ xsetroot -name "audio: $(tprogbar -v 50)"

An example using every option listed above:

$ tprogbar -v 90 -l 50 -g 900 -s 50 -b "{ %s }" -p "+" -m "="
{ +================ }


Edimar Calebe Castanho Gabriel Gaboardi
Edimar Calebe Castanho (Calebe94) Gabriel Gaboardi (Gabo)


All software is covered under GNU General Public License v3.0.